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13 september 2020

Cur(s)ed humanity

Humanity is sick and suffering.

The contageous disease of hatred has struck their heart.
It flows through them and penetrates every act.
It has emprisoned them from themselves,
their senses have withdrawn from direct contact with nature.

They have separated themselves from who they are
and now live a life in neglect, pain and forgetfulness.
They are driven by egoic desires.
They have lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong,
and instead act on selfish impulse.
A lower level of consciousness, of awareness of themselves.

They act without realising the impact of their wicked deeds.
All the while their true nature is calling.
Nature is calling us home.
But in our separation we cannot
hear it, cannot feel it, or see it.
This longing is pain calling us home.

Our hearts and minds are corrupted,
because we think we stand above nature.
We play God and with it deny his existence.
We are unaware of our actions and consequences.

A curse lay upon the unaware,
on the unnatural, on the Godless.
To break the curse we need to
realise our relation with nature,
with the truth of who we all are,
where we all draw our life force from;
The life source within all beings.
It is the same for us all.

To live dictated by our thoughts
and the enforcer of our emotions is to live
in an illusory time that is not real,
it is to play a game of fantasy.

To truly live is to connect our inner timeless being
with our body-minds in time and act out each moment
in the harmony of this constellation.
To sense the right move with each step,
a continous moment by moment dance
with our true self hand in hand with our material self.

Therein lies balancing our eternal being
with our external being,
together forming the only one true being acting in unison,
a holy alliance of unity to bless the curse of all mankind.

Forgive the blind and vision is restored.
Lead by example, shine His light, act from within,
dispell the curse and the disharmonious heartbeats will harmonise
and bless and find the one true rhythm and beat as one.

To let the internal light within guide our external body.
The man on the cross defeated the Devil for this to be,
for the deniers to be belivers of what can be,
when we are freed from his destructive impulse.

Death lighting up the path of the heart of the blind masses.
Look for the path to be lit through your own eyes and start walking.
The forks on the road is the old spirit
trying to take over what was never his.
Keep tracking the straight narrow path,
the hidden road that leads to life,
revealed only through the one Being's light.

Walk, and keep walking.
Fall, and stand up.
Walk, and keep walking.
Fall, and stand up.
Walk, and keep walking.

Fri vers av KPJ Sundquist VIP
Läst 50 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-05-23 14:32

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KPJ Sundquist VIP