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Miss you Stranger...

I didn\'t know you
but you were still a part of me
you were so near
...but yet still so far

why didn\'t someone tell
about your existance
and who you were

I didn\'t know your name
you were like any stranger to me

-just like everyone else

that pased me
day by day
you could have been one of them
but I will never know

the first I heard of you
was when you left one day

-I couldn\'t feel the bereavement

that, maybe, I should have felt
no tears were falling
no pain was in my heart

-I\'m so sorry

-I didn\'t know

I guess I didn\'t understand
who you were in my life
until now
when I finally realized

years after..

I feel the pain

years after...

the tears are falling
reminding me of the rain
I see right now
outside my window

maybe that\'s your tears
for never get to know me

maybe it\'s just the rain
that the dark clouds are letting fall

Fri vers av casanova
Läst 432 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-01 16:10

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