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det förlutna som jagar dig, skapar dig och friheten i att få bestämma över sin framtid som kommer att bli ens senare förflutna

Your Choice

Your choice, everyone has a choice.
So don’t come here sayin u was forced into exhibitionism
They struggle, they don’t wanna do this
Don’t think life’s that easy u can just pick what the fuck u wanna do with it
Throw some ferry dust, pony’s n shit in it. Throw the sweet 16 with P diddy in it
Throw a prom king for boyfriend and a pink little car, virgin strawberry daiquiris n air freshener in it.
Is that shit supposed to be me? Cause it ain’t,
Is that shit even supposed to be what I need, cause it ain’t
If my spirit was made out of cake the interior would be looking like the inside of a garbage can.
N if the world is a place where people see passion for art as waste I am the garbage man
It’s funny how I can be so perfect in my imperfection that jealous eyes follow me wherever I am
Don’t you understand, you don’t wanna be me, just try to be as much of yourself as you can
Cause I am most definitely not the fluffy pink dream and I will never be
I wanna give you the real picture so you can see
It takes more than being light skinned to be me
There’s so much more under my skin that u can’t see
It’s hard to not make an opinion shaped by society morals and stereotypes when generalising
Putting people in boxes with name tags on display without realising
You know nothing about the jam, u don’t know where the tree was rooted or the fruits picked up, don’t know how I was cooked n if I’m as sweet as I look.
But I’m gonna tell you how you can make a knockoff bag of me.
Take out the mum and dad, throw in a bunch of hits to the head.
Throw like a 100 friends n jealous siblings in it
Throw some rock, hiphop n THC in it
For the taste; throw some passion and dreams in it
Throw a bit of love topped with faith in it
Throw a voice singing to the extent of the soul and beyond in it
Throw determination and art in it Sensuality n my second biggest passion: Women in it
So that’s supposed to be a part of me, I bet it could
N is anything of it what I need, well some things are good
Was this my choice, since everyone has a choice.
Now I like showing skin and the looks I get I am an exhibitionist
And I struggle cause I do wanna do this
Every day I choose who I am, the definition of me is never definite,
A calculation of my has n dones can never be really accurate,
I’m ever changing like the seasons of the year,
maybe its cause I’m a Gemini, maybe its cause I age,
cause aging is a constant but moving state of maturing blooming and falling.
I have a bag of a lot of good and bad shit,
It’s a remembrance of what I had and could have had it
seems its hard to get rid of the shit in it
But every day I have a choice of what to put in it.

Fri vers av RobineeniboR
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-02 23:46

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