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inspirerad av allas vår favoritsymbiot Venom.

Symbiotism: The birth of Warlock

A lurching otherwordly presence creeping in my mind
A throbbing rage painting my vision blood red
Bloodlust twists my lips into a hungry grin
Curling my fingers into claws twitching with desire

An urge to roam
A lust for freedom
A need to erupt
Into a rampant berserk

Insanity or inhumanity?
It is an overdose of both

Your taunting voice pound in my ears
Like drums of war drumming me into a frenzy

Dark pulses ripple out into my body from my heart
As if a chained monster thrashes about in my soul

An alien voice whispers in my head, attempting to control me
However I am an oathbreaker, a conqueror and an enslaver
Turning inwards I wrestle and rend the invader alien
Annihilating its foreign mind I assimilate its body into my own

My bones crack and reform
My flesh bursts as it morphs

Violent convulsions from pain throws me on my knees
My own blood splattering around me as I rupture and transform

My jaw breakes and mends anew
My teeth erupt and are replaced

Darkness seeps through my flesh
Enveloping me, Saturating me
Rising slowly laughing in triumphant bewildernment
My new, luminous eyes haunt the dusk with its hell-red glow

I lunge at you roaring ear-shatteringly with the desire to kill
Your blood splashes into the air and stain the ground and walls
My entire forearm has penetrated your abdomen
My claws ripped with ease through your spinal cord
I flex my hand behind you, rubbing your blood against my palm

I watch you die with an exstatic pleasure, growling sadistically
I then devour your still warm corpse with a savage hunger

Drenched and dripping with blood I stand to face the last rays of the dying sun
With a dark and harsh voice I say: "I...am Warlock, and the world is my prey..."

Fri vers av Banehallow
Läst 352 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-05-08 08:18

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En lite mer lättillgänglig text än vanligt. Vilket uppskattas eftersom man orkar fokusera genom hela dikten. Gillar temat, även om jag inte är sådär jätteinsatt i just superhjälte/serie-temat, men texten är verkligen läsvärd. Och jag struntar i vad du tycker, det är fortfarande varulvish ^^
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