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Låten handlar om kärlek vid första ögonkastet och också om dess konsekvenser. Vad händer efteråt? Kommer man någonsin träffas igen och hur skulle det i sådana fall bli? Är tacksam för kritik.

Do you remember me?

Do you remember me?
We met on the street.

Do you recall when we
tripped on each others feet?

I didn't know where to go,
but then I found you
yes, I found you.

I didn't feel anything real
but then I found you.

Do you remember me?
The winter was turning to spring.

Do you now still see
the sunlit and cloudless morning?

But now the days have passed, the moment's gone.
There's no reason left to carry on
and my life's so wrong without you.

My sky was cloudy but went clear
when you came into my atmosphere
and I'm so lost without you.

Do you remember me?
We met on the street.

And our love was free,
wonderful, lovely and sweet.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av elsaros
Läst 204 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-12-28 00:29

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