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Helt ärligt, hur ofta bråkar man egentligen helt i onödan om i stort sätt värdelösa saker? För ofta.

Make cookies, not fights.

No More. Please, no more!
Make it stop!
Two fighting demons. Screaming. More and more.
Words, you can't imagine. Louder and louder.

So much hate in their voices. Hate. Growing.
Mother and daugther.
Some people call it "love-hate". Love-hate?!

If you love someone,
why fight with such hate, all the time?
A small fight time to time, I wouldn't say anything.
But it's every fucking day!

And I'm standing in the middle like a little girl.
All the screaming driving me crazy.
Fucking shit. I don't need this.

We don't need this. Nobody need this!
Useless fights is just... useless.

Fri vers av jämthen
Läst 205 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-09 19:32

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