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All the things

I always thought i´d be an artist
in a studio on top floor
and I thought i´d be a doctor
with endless animals to cure

As a baby never crying
Just keep me safe and warm
I´ll be happy with almost anything
I´m an endless bending form

No you couldn´t keep track of me
nore see who I was
All the things that you thought of me
they´re all bound to be lost

So you thought I was a mountain
that you could stand on in the storm
Or a tree for you to be found in
always healing where im torn

No you couldn´t keep track of me
nore see who I was
All the things that you thought of me
they´re all bound to be lost

Fri vers av lalalowi
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-16 14:10

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