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Another semi-night/semi-morning

I call you up, and meant to say make me fall asleep, make me calm,
sweet-talk-voice me in
But I hear noises in the background,
you are surrounded on all sides,
and I stay mute and stupid with my trivial wishes
A different picture of you,
over the phone several umpteen miles away
I stutter,
and smile but it doesn’t show,
I teach you my ancient new language
I don’t want to say goodbye on the phone,
so I hang up, right before you can even breathe
the syllables
And I can only imagine you face as I do so,
hanging in a choked laugh
I shake, unknowingly driving my nails into the flesh,
in the 9 hour discrepancy
of our different realities
This love knows no dusk and no dawn,
this love doesn't even know love

Fri vers av bisarr
Läst 125 gånger
Publicerad 2010-04-23 03:36

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