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Wishes and thoughts

Iwish I liked coffee
I wish I had a clue
I wish I could come up with something
more appropriate to do

I wish I was a smoker
I wish I had a friend
then he or she could hold me tight and whisper
"it doesn't matter in the end"

/But it's me and my thoughts now
all alone with the thoughts now
there's no wrong or right , I know
but there still are the thoughts though


But if I could run like Forrest Gump
I'd run the whole world all around
If I could whistle as my friend Brian
I'd laugh even though life's a piece of shit

If I could run like Forrest Gump
there still be the thoughts
(and regrets)


I wish I was an Armstrong
a Glenn or Fuglesang
then I suppose I could fly
yes, all the way to the sky

I wish I was a dancer,
a painter or just a happy fellow
then I'd dance or paint or laugh the world
all green, red, purple and yellow

/It's me and my thoughts now
alone with my thoughts now
there's no right or wrong I know
but it's just me and the memories/


I wish I was da Vinci
Picasso or Matisse
then I'd finally could see
that there's much more than this

I wish I could play
as though I was I kid
then I'd play hide and seek
for hours,
after hour, hour after hour
I'd hide forever...

...or maybe..

...I'd choose a place where I could easily
I'd choose a place where I could easily
I'd find me a place where I could easily

...easily be found...

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Läst 286 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-07-12 20:04

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