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On my sediment of soul, light and dark did once contend
Dominion was the plunder sought until a bitter end
The two were locked in battle, each in arms and fit to slay
The dark, her weapon silence, and the light, a fiery day
The encounter had begun, and I had no choice but yield
I concealed the skirmish on my silent, hidden battlefield
The light surfeit did spill over every vast expanse
And the darkness proved to kill the light's endeavor of advance

In counterblow, the dark extinguished almost every beam
But from the faintest glow, the light recovered all his gleam
With each ill-fated onslaught the opponent would recoil
Then in vengeful retribution would return with equal toil
While confusion did ensue, I desired a victory
Either light or darkness triumph, just as long as I was free
None could vanquish his opponent, locked in deadly disaccord
Until my soul would terminate this battle I could not afford
I was weary and defeated, and could no longer tolerate
Such a costly controversy to defeat me in its gate

If I were to venture on, in the life I had attained
Light and dark would get along, neglect a troubled kinship stained
From that determination, the armies paused their war to see
That in their altercation they had only injured me
And on that very day, with a choice of death or life
The dark and light no longer were an element of strife
Now sustained by yin and yang, the summation of my soul
Eternal chaos sanctified with a gift of self-control.

Fri vers av Mr H
Läst 144 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-08 15:35

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