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What used to be

Why do you weep 'til you sleep every night
sobbing softly as you cry?
How come you cradle yourself to first light
wishing that you would just die?
Why do you hear old wounds sounding their chimes
knowing they've all been a lie?
How come you thought about falling many times
to prove the fact, you cannot fly?

How come those tears paint your eyes as you smile,
and why do you smirk as you do?
Why do you feel you're so evil and vile
and tremble and shake through and through?
How come I hear cries deep within your laugh
how come that your mirth feels not true?
Why do your eyes betray that you feel half
why did that mirror break in two?

Why do you always fear and dread so much
what is it really that you see?
Why won't you stop longing for that soft touch
and when will you finally flee?
Why do you hate yourself so very far
and why do you wish you won't be?
How come you've grown to despise who you are...

... and why were you born to be me?

Fri vers av Mr H
Läst 163 gånger
Publicerad 2010-09-05 21:33

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Mr H