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Jag har fått inspiration av människor som bor bredvid floden eller älven i Dhaka, Mumbai, London eller Umeå för att skriva några texter i Breathing wind….

Breathing wind

The Gangas,
the Themes
and the Umeå älven flows
and overflows
through our slump sites
cities and villages,
and thereafter economics, stock shares
consider for opening sluice and billabong tank

Paddy grows
soul talks
love feels
but tear falls down, hungry mouth shouts with empty promises
when stockists lock corn

Little kid runs
and laughs
expecting to become foods
when mother cooks no corn; but only water in a pan

are on streets
and the human stares
at peoples who are in stress
run, when the darkness covers men-women

Music plays
ears to ears
eyes to eyes
feeling heart bit uncontrollable, wars kneeling down

Cry touches
glad touches
Keeping loves
always alive, fresh and green
human relation speaks and corruption demises behind
a society which gives us a place and a breathing wind

Fri vers av jamal jamal
Läst 285 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-24 23:15

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