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The snow frost cold love heart kiss dark

The Snow

-I'm cold.
-Me too...
-Where are we?
-I'm not sure.
-What time is it?
-I don't know, but it's dark.
-It doesn't matter.
-You're here...

*She steps very close to him, within wispering-range.*
*She puts her hands together on her chest as if praying.*

-I should go. She said.
-Why, where?
-I... I don't know.

*She turns away, but doesn't leave.*

He steps into her. His chest against her back, and puts his arms
around her.
He's holding her tight, close.
She turns into him, facing him.

-It has begun to snow. She said.

His warmth is flowing into her.
She looks up at him, in his eyes.
His dark, deep eyes.
He looks into hers.
Their souls meet, embrace.
Her eyes tell tales of sorrow and loneliness.
She can't see what is in his, but she's sure that there is something.
She can't quite make it out.
Suddenly his gaze, his stare into her soul takes her breath away.
They kiss... Long... Deep...

She's warm, same as him.
They open their eyes and their lips part.
Her eyes are full of happiness as she blushes slightly.

*turns her head away*, she's embarrassed.

He gently, with a finger on her cheek moves her head back,
facing him.
She can see his soul now, finds it full of kindness, full of life.

*the moon comes out from behind the clouds*

-I'm warm.
-Me too...
-Where are we?
-Right where we should be.
-What time is it?
-The time is right.
-That's what matters.
-What matters?

That we're here...

-Daniel Hammerin

Prosa (Novell) av Zodirax
Läst 238 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-11-11 21:51

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