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We could be

How do I make you see me
How do I take control
I’ve seen you
as I walked by the store
but never really dared to say hello

How do I make you music
How do I touch your soul
Why would you
of all things in the world
see the parts of me I never show

I’m gonna pay attention
Listen close to every word
Take my hand
Let us dance through the night
and I will make your worries go away

I wanna see you smiling
I wanna hear you laugh
We could be
at the edge of a fling
and if you fall I’d catch you in my arms

But how do I make you see me
And how do I make you fall
I’ll be there
through delight and despair
and you will never have to be alone

Fri vers av HenrikW
Läst 190 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-01-08 13:03

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