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bara några frågor jag tänkte på.

just questions

If this planet was flat, would it circle the sun?
If music played in my ears constantly, would i hear them talk?
If bullshit made the world go round, would I still be a part of it?
If you aimed and shot at me, where would you shoot me?
If roses dried in an upright position, how would they look?
If you could collect summer in a jar, which colour would it be?
If his fist hit your face, would you leave and never come back?
If everything that ever meant anything to you disappeared, could you keep on living?
If I kissed your lips, would they beg for more?
If your world was perfect, would I exist in it?

Fri vers av Emilie E
Läst 262 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-10 12:53

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Emilie E