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sångtext jag skrev när jag hade tråkigt en dag handlar om min kille. melodin är från sound of music sången: you are 16 i cenen vid lusthuset.

you are 15

You are 15; going on 16, baby you´re very young! Cuddly and sweet, so tender and neat, well you are the perfect man.
You need someone older and wiser, one who could help you out. If you´re in trouble call on the double and baby, I will be there!
There are many, thinking this, that we are very wrong, Being together, now and forever, that’s what I would love.
They might think but I don’t care, as long as I have you. You are 15 going on 16, Baby I love you so!!

I am 20 going on 21, there is nothing that I can do, loving you so, oh how will it go, Baby I just don’t know.
But what I know is clearly this, that you so handsome is. Witty and fun so clever and bright, Baby you stole my heart.
You´re so kind and warm to me, when I am in your arms, tending me sweetly you´re very neatly. That’s one thing I love with you.
I am 20 going on 21, maybe I have done wrong, loving you still, you are my thrill, I can’t stop loving you.

You are 15 going on 16, Baby that´s what they say, but you are to me as sweet as can be, I´ll never stop loving you so…..

Fri vers av Eve Yvonne
Läst 333 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-05 00:40

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  Julia Z.M
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Eve Yvonne
Eve Yvonne