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Tell me just one thing - is the world really that black?

Black World

Such a hateful world
Everything I do
Everything I fight for

Seems to be in vane

My every thought is being turned upsidedown
My every instinct is being rejected

How can trying ever be so wrong?

I want to bring peace to the world
I wish happiness for all people
I would like to help if I can

Then how can this be so wrong?
If my intensions are good,
then how could I create such a mess?

Boy, is the world upside down!
Girl, will anything ever be as it is said?

How can I live with this?

Hate, Lies, Betrayal

The world is changing every minute
My feet has left the ground
Where should I go?
How can I go?

I don't know my outside
I dont know my inside

Everthing is uppside down.
Is the world really so black?

Fri vers av Sozotto
Läst 175 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-02-11 21:54

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