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Hippie at heart.

Hippie at heart,
Boring in brain,
Social outcast of sorts,
Not really part of the game,
You wanted your life,
To be more than ordain,
In fact now it's less,
Anymore and your insane,
A simple husk,
No true inner life,
The people around you,
Not part of your life,
You don't listen to them,
But still the influence,
Throws you down in life,
Your left with only innocence,

You want your anguish,
To score you some pity,
But that won't happen in this city,
I say this city,
In fact I mean country,
Where it's ugly to ask,
How you been,
Maybe not ugly,
Just fucking trivialized,
As idle small-talk in routine,
Where one answer is idealized,
The asker is expectin,
That it's "good",
"How about yourself?",

But hey,
Let's shake it up,
I'll answer bad,
I feel like crap,
I'm depressed and I'm lonely,
I feel like my life is a fatal trap,

The answer you'll get,
I doubt will be full of compassion,
The point of small-talk,
Is what you're smashing,
They don't wanna hear your answer,
A kinda pseudo empathy,
For those made of panzer,
Those preferring apathy,
They want their truth,
Spat out and chewed,
Formed into what they want,
Or their all screwed,
Jesus Christ,
I can't wait for the day,
When one of them has to answer,
When someone opens up,
And mixes a feeling,
Or truth in their answer!

Fri vers av The intellectual moron
Läst 320 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-06-15 19:47

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The intellectual moron