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Pennan hellre viker sig till sin död än att låta sig kvävas, låta sig förlora sin påstridiga glöd...

Unfocused truth

Borrowed words wont be returned. They're already lost. Joining the pattern , holding on to em
' no matter the cost. An army of ink no one can erase , the bitter sweet truth carefully sealed in it's case . Written reality seperated by a calculated space. Forcing its way thru all , any obstacle becomes collateral damage , so determimd it becomes a unstopabble savage, injecting the beholder, *grey now becomes less colder, whats far away get's à bit closer, the antidote safely guarded by it's soldier. Feeds on weakness and lies rapped in the friendliest*disguise. Aknowledged or not it wont be stopped til the pen is dropped

Prosa av Nesma mourssi
Läst 256 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2011-08-05 00:40

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Nesma mourssi