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Lovers coma

What i once thought to be true turned out to be fake words stuck togheter with the cheepest glue .

So easy for it all to fall apart even though i faught for it so hard from the start .

Lovely lies swept me away dancing on clouds without any doubts untill harsh reality woke me up today .

Ive been in a lovers coma drowning in the sweetest aroma how was i to know that you turned out to be a backstabing casanova.

You thougt you were so smart but i pretty much had you figured out from the start, i choose, choose, to be blind because i dident wanna see how soulless you turned out to be

Sooooo when the fairytale shatters and the world crumbles n nothing else matters i turn to the sky and ask "my god why" cause god gives his greatest battle to his toughest soldier and as i'll get older i will remember YOU were the cheepest glue and soon i can afford something new and undeniable true .

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Nesma mourssi
Läst 170 gånger
Publicerad 2015-01-20 01:51

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Nesma mourssi