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Efter att ha klottrat lite insåg jag att denna blev en engelsk version av "En version av paradis" även om jag inte hade några som helst tankar på att skriva om mer eller mindre samma rim på engelska. Läs gärna båda och berätta vilket rim du före

Would this be a version of Paradise?

I have seen a lot of puppy dogs with cute, watery eyes

I still believe our one common religion is lies

Or perhaps rather I should begin by saying

I don\'t give a rats ass for praying

for the way one may look, as I do, to the stars

really doesn\'t leave much meaning to be granted our wars

Something else very nearly no-one knows about

is that our lives are meant to be tainted by doubt

Now this, I believe, is meant to give us cause

to sometimes give our actions a pause

and encourage us to look farther, think twice

We may all fall as victims to the most common vice

To believe ourselves bigger, grander and more worthy than the rest

Comparing the weight of ones soul to a feather, very few would pass the test

More likely they would weigh around a hundred pounds

perhaps even giving cause for the Lord to, in his game with the devil,
perk up for a few rounds

For many of us, if we could make one really big wish come true

it would be to give us one real big bastard to sue

But to admit there is no God and all we truly have are our dreams

would mean we can finally start mending reality at the seams

Now I admit there are many comfortable answers,

but they\'re fake

I cannot help but wish for the day we awake

Fri vers av think 2-o+ice
Läst 360 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-16 15:07

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