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I’m suppose to write an essay about hope.
I’m just not so shore that’s going to be very easy.. I think it’s hard to write about a feeling I haven’t felt myself for a very long time.. and I’m afraid that I will never feel it again.. hope.. but I remember how it was. I remember that hope, is what takes you out of bed when you feel like shit. Hope makes you wait for something you know will never come.. hope is a feeling that can help you go through hard times.. and make you see sunshine far away, even though you know you’re lost. Hope, is what people with nothing thinks of. Hope can heal the most deep scars in a heart.. it can almost heal anything.
Then try to imagine what a life without hope feels like.. it’s almost impossible to explain.. but I will try.
Without hope, you can cry for days. And the only thing you can see, is darkness. Without hope, you’re a lot like blind. Hope, is that light you see, when you think you’re completely lost in the darkness.. it leads you back to the road. And without it.. you will just walk around, not knowing who you are at all..
Yesterday, I kind of lost it. I told a guy.. something I really regret.. but I told him that I love him. And the only thing he did was looking at me like I was.. insane.
I don’t think a lot of you know how that feels, but it’s like your heart is ripping apart.. and it’s like your smile just ran away, and your laugh was just a dream. The hope you felt just seconds ago just.. never existed.
A hopeless life.. is like a life, in hell..

Prosa av Amanda Sophia Clausen
Läst 289 gånger
Publicerad 2012-01-03 22:21

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Amanda Sophia Clausen