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My sun

It was a sunny day
That day
When you decided to end it
I don’t know why you chose a sunny day
Maybe you thought of us
It would be cruel to darken an already cloudy day.

But that was your way of thinking though, wasn’t it?
Never to make anyone feel bad Never to hurt anyone
But yourself

Your name is now forever carved into my mind
And you shall never be forgotten

But it’s strange, you see
As children we’re told never to stare directly at the sun
But every time I feel the sun on my skin
I can feel your strokes

Maybe I should never have tried to see through you.
Maybe you left for someplace to hide

You were my sun.
And now. You’re the worlds

I’m so sorry

Fri vers (Fri form) av Raserad
Läst 191 gånger
Publicerad 2012-02-11 21:50

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