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Det här är snarare ett försök till att skriva en låttext än en dikt, så läs den utifrån det prespektivet.

The Universal Language

You think you know something about communication
You think you know something about upholding peace
You think you know how the world is meant to be
Well congratulations, I just heard the news

Another war
only in another place this time
Another man
was shot by his son last night
Another day
when everybody talks and nobody
seems to understand

You always say you have a plan for action
You always use big words that nobody understands
You always hate me for questioning you
Forgive me for wondering how words will save a child in

Another war
only in another place this time
Another man
who was shot by his son last night
Another day
when everybody talks and nobody
lifts their hands

If only you could find your way to the beginning
Laugh laugh laugh
If only you could recollect those memories of smiles
And maybe you could be the first to stop

Another war
only in another place this time
Another man
was shot by his son last night
Another day
when everybody talks and nobody
seems to understand

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Hon, Hanna
Läst 218 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-26 23:06

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Hon, Hanna
Hon, Hanna