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The garden of mine

There is a place in the heart were the flowers grows
There is a place in the heart where no evil can go
There is a place in the heart where it’s you and me
It’s called the garden of goodness by the human being

Where no one have heard of the evil acts
Where you can go just to be relaxed
This garden is what we called the soul of our
And by acting good and right you will make the rain pour down
Then it will be sunshine and the garden will grow during the time
But if you chose to do the evil acts
The garden will get smaller as your life pass by
One day it will just be a little flower surrounded by rotten tress
But it will still be possible to grow up big green fields

Even if you really have hurt someone
You can still plant the seeds
Make the rain pour down and after that, the sun shines
You can watch the seeds become flowers and trees
And you can go there when you want to feel freedom and peace

So don’t give up even though you think you’re fucked
There is always hope
The doors will never be closed
Just choose the good acts
Take care of your self and everything else
And if you hate someone, make that person smile
This will make your hate grow smaller after a while

When you have found a way to visit the garden of yours
You will be overwhelmed by the peace and harmony’s force
The rain won’t come from any dark clouds
It will pour down from a clear blue sky
The hate that you once have seen will not be a part of the coming history
Some call it the paradise, but I just call it the garden of mine

Fri vers (Fri form) av Wenz
Läst 161 gånger
Publicerad 2013-04-09 23:59

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