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Letter from God

You always ask me why
All the angels are falling down
I tell you that is life
Even you will have to die
But hopefully in one hundred years
Because you're just a kid
Who will create history in this crib
I want to see you grow old
Follow you all your life and stand behind if you meet some hard times
I'm the one how speaks in your mind
I'm your father in the sky
They call me God and so
But that part is kind of scary though
I'm just a regular man how smoked to much weed so I ended up in the air
But don't blame me for that I did send Jesus instead
He was not a holy man
But he was my son and died for that
Now It's kind of funny to see how all these people are building houses for me
I cant wait until they end up here and realise that I’m just a Rastaman
I think even the clouds will get a smile out of seeing that
But now I’m off to do some bigger stuff
Live life with love
And remember
I’m looking down at you from the clouds

Sincerely, your Rastaman

Fri vers (Fri form) av Wenz
Läst 215 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-04-10 00:13

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