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I just me

It was a dark and late night
alone for days
I was
in another country and as foreign in a home lost of happiness and low tolerance
no loving and just strange

Longing off...

There glistened previously
was lost with a behavior
not me and not mine
just as proven to me that I was totally worthless
I there!

Brief the stars were there and so butifull bright
but the darkness killing the fine and that was
"not me and not mine"

Then as sudden lightning became al loving like hate
as a black curtain night, just
and as nothing were and has been
nothing existed
"not me"

After al when day beecame my only light after
I left my night room
that soon just was

The Swan flew me home, to the warmth again
"Again"far from just introvert, unnecessarie foolishness
A behavior I can be way without

Here i am
home and alone again

But i will remember the stars that late night when i was on my way home

I love life to mutch...

I tried
but my common sense told
as this should not be

I am worthy of something better and treatment
than this useless

It felt easy to leave
this all was to me so foreign
Never I have met similar and avoids with pleasure to get rid of

Realistically I know I'm not alone
alone and want to meet someone who makes life more and good

He is also alone as I
but I still do not know who he is

I'm waiting

I rely on light shows and is
that reality healthy stars that glitters

Not sickly and bitter black
quiet just quietly
and when the words came
they were not friendly

Nice not having
here I feel better
And the freedom to choose ...
someone that makes me feel...
mutch better

I just me...

Bunden vers av © Weronica Lindholm
Läst 270 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-12 22:42

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