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Your breath

Hear your breath
When I close my eyes
So I open them,

Reading phrases on the pillowcase you made,
all the great memories.
Thinking of the scent of you,
that just disappeared from it.

Your eyes that glittered so fine
and how you blushed and looked away,
When I smiled at you.

How you laughed at my stupid humor
and how I laughed back
just because I was happy.

You said you loved me
While I tried to find the courage to say it first

I could not cry before that night,
that night when I told you
about my difficult past.

You hugged me there on the mattress
and made me feel safe
For the first time ever.

Now it's over,
I fall asleep never without a tear

Close my eyes and hear you breathing

Fri vers (Fri form) av fredrik strömberg
Läst 263 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-09 06:47

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fredrik strömberg
fredrik strömberg