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Reason for believing - 2014 Vår

You tell me that you have a stone in your hand
You can either be lying or telling the truth
You tell me to believe you
You force me to chose without knowing

If I belive you have a stone in your hand
You have no reason to show me the stone
If I believe you
You tell me I have faith and should accept it as truth

I contemplate
What makes a lie?
Lies only comes alive within trust and belief
And they only live on without proof

If you are telling the truth
Why offer the possibility of a lie?
Why base your claim without proof?
Why not just open your hand?

You tell me that I have to have faith
Just another word for trust and believe
Another way to mask a lie
Why this temptation for distrust

Faith to believe without a fault
Based on nothing else but your word
Does not make something true
why not just open your hand?

I belive
that there is no stone
and you are welcome to prove me wrong
just open your hand

There is no stone
You couldn't open your hand even if you wanted to
Still you claim that the stone is real
Do you believe your own lie?

Fri vers av Johan Magnusson
Läst 204 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-03-24 12:07

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Johan Magnusson
Johan Magnusson