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(Jag är Tobi för övrigt)

Empty hearts

I can't see why you are to blame.
I’m too empty to pretend.
I wished you to live and so you did.
But i did never comprehend
that the end was closing in.
I’m so empty to the shadows i fade.
I just wished i could live again.
But to wish is to pretend
that none of this would have been.

To pretend in wishing that it all could end.
But i could never pretend
that you and i should end.

I’m so empty that i could nearly pretend.
Pretend that it all just would end.
But to pretend is wishing that it all just could end.
And i would never wish that you and i would end.

I’m empty and I’m crying for it, I’m bleeding and I’m crawling for it.
I’m burning and i get hanged for it.

I wishs that i could do something about it.
But to wish is to pretend
that i could be ok again.
I can't see this all through
i wished i did, but i can't
because of the pain you once did.
I once wished that you once were true
but now i can't, because no one would care about you.

I’m empty and I’m crying for it, I’m empty and I’m bleeding for it.
I’m empty for all the things i did.
I’m empty because there is no one there.
I’m empty because that no one would care
and now
i'm dying for it.

Fri vers av Thornum
Läst 134 gånger
Publicerad 2014-08-27 13:58

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