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Love, light and aguish

By the time i was there it was already late.
The water gone Cold, and so had your veins.
Why was all that i could think why would you do this to me?
Selfish I know, but that’s what my mind keep telling me.
The man of my dreams, the most handsome person I’d ever seen.
Tears fall from my chins, as I pull you up, and pull you close.
Harrowingly I pull my fingers through your hair.
Hair that used to be smooth and filled with life, now it’s soaked and full of blood.
What can I do? What can I do? I hear myself repeat.
God please tell me what to do? I look upon he’s face, it’s all grey and pale.
Closed eyes and darkened lips, I can also see you have taken all the pills.
The question why echoes through my head.
A question that I fear will forever haunt me.
Shouting on top of my Lungs, even though I know there’s no one there to hear.
Please someone help! Please someone help me!
Seeking comfort in some way, i pull you closer to me.
Aguishly crying i slowly place my hand on he’s chest.
But there is nothing left for me to feel, no life, no light.
No more smile’s, no more tears of joy.
No more sweet late hours, no more loveable moments at day.
Please I hear, Please come back to me I hear myself say.
You know I can’t stand a life without you here.
I need you, I need you here more than ever.
Please come back for me, please…
The question still echoes I my head, this can’t be it.
And in all the emotions of guilt, aguish and despare.
I just leaned in, and kissed him…
And that’s when I felt it, he’s heart started pumping again…

Bunden vers av Thornum
Läst 156 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-08-29 05:35

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