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Sudden thoughts

Staring through my open window.
As rain keeps bashing down.
My hair still dripping, from my naked run.
My hands shacking.
Hearts beating.
Cold and freezing.
Yet I can’t stop smiling.
Cloudy skies vanishes above.
And stars starts to show.
Blinding bright lights.
In this rainy cold night.
Breathe taking sky.
With a cold but welcoming shine.
As the sun says goodnight.
As the last daylight dies.
Thoughts begin to rise.
Wondering what might have been.
Nights start settling in.
Wind fondles my chin.
Gently calling my name.
Seeing out across the night.
Houses with their cuddly lights.
People cheering and music’s playing.
Calling out I’m going out.
Dancing through the grass.
My feet’s becomes wet and shine.
In the moons lovely shine.
To the rhythms of feelings I can’t express.
Dancing through the night.
As dawn begins to rise.
And I know that in this moment.
In this truthfully, innocent moment.
When we all embrace ourselves.
The one moment of our existence.
That one true moment of our life’s.
When we are able to see who we truly are.
Is when life will show.
The most obvious truths of all.
And you will see what’s been there all along.
That life is a lie and you should have ended it long ago.
And as I look out through my top floor window.
I see life for what it truly is.
A feeling Words cannot describe.
So i won’t even try.
Until you can see it for yourself.
Life... in its pride and glory is not worth living anymore for someone like me.
For me it’s all just dust in the wind and prayers until the end.
That fast can your life be shifting…
Just like the dust are we all not noticed.
And for what it’s worth.
Is love all we crave for.
Someone to spend our loneliness with.
Someone to share our story’s with.
Someone to tell what happened today.
Someone to hug us as we are having a bad day.
Someone to kiss at day and someone to cuddle at night.
Just... someone...

Bunden vers av Thornum
Läst 153 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-08-29 12:45

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