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Memories of a haunted past

Freak left out i better not let him out.
Cage grows bigger yet it’s getting harder to breath.
I feel trapped inside of my head.
I hear distant voices whispering.
Trying to drag what little happiness i have left.
Down through the memories of the past.
And i see the nightmares begin to shape.
Too this...thing.
This thing made out of pure misery and fear.
I try to run but my legs is failing me.
Panicking i try to crawl but he has already grabbed on to my feet’s.
Crying out for help i begin to shout.
Desperately screaming for help.
But there is no one there to hear my screams.
He grabs me by the neck.
Turn my face to he’s.
And he looks deeply into my Eyes and shouts.
And I Wake up.
Sweaty and out of breath i walk up to my open Window
And as i regain my calm i hear myself thinking
"It was just a nightmare. It was just a Dream".
But what I’m really saying to myself is;
"Oh no it’s one of those Days again"…

Bunden vers av Thornum
Läst 157 gånger
Publicerad 2014-08-29 19:38

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