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Itsy Bitsy

Itsy bitsy rabid hater climbed up the righteous tree
itsy bitsy rabid hater wallowed in hypocrisy.
Itsy bitsy rabid hater feared all difference
hid safely behind his narrow focused fence.

Itsy bitsy rabid hater believes in lies and hatred
is missing out on facts, would rather be spoonfed.
Itsy bitsy rabid hater climbed up the righteous tree
itsy bitsy rabid hater pointed his finger with glee.

Itsy bitsy rabid hater fires fumes of war
itsy bitsy rabid hater sets hope of peace ajar.
Close the door on understanding
open wide for human livestock branding.
Turn back time some 60 years
all in the name of unfounded fears.

Fri vers av Elisabeth H
Läst 145 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-10-08 20:06

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Elisabeth H
Elisabeth H