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Will the longing for being known as I am betrayeth me in the End?


I am afraid
Thou art hunting me, tracking down what I so carefully conceal

I run for my life, for my safety is suddenly threatened
Yet I am drawn to thee, for thou art the truth on the heels

Despite repeated warnings, I am taking the risk
Driven by the inner longing for acknowledgement
I constantly seek to collect

Will the longing for being known as I am betrayeth me in the End?
Only the receiver may tell

Thou art hunting me, and with me the answer to a mystery yet unexplained
The beginning of the sentence is formed, it lieth now in thy hands to finish it

Wilt thou finish the sentence?
Art thou fast enough to catch me?
Wilt thou solve the riddle?

Thou alone canst decide

Fri vers (Fri form) av Klara Schelin
Läst 325 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2015-04-22 16:43

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Klara Schelin
Klara Schelin