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"You are not enough"

Nature's Law

There is choreography,
a delicate play,
in oneself and in nature,
where severity is barred,
where questions need not be asked,
where what comes to pass is law,
and where life is salary enough

Oh Lord! Tell me:

what does one do when there is nothing left?
when the tenth of a second takes away everything that was ever of importance,
when loosing everything you have,
taking it away in an equally reversing moment as that memorable one when it first arrived

What does one do? Fight?
On the door to paradise there is a sign that says “decisiveness”;
but where does one find such a thing?
Within oneself?

Promising every time, only to fail every try; all the while reminding me
“You are not enough; you are not enough”
Through fire and water, heaven and hell
There is but one way;
do it again - and do it right

Oh Lord! Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change;
the courage to change what I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference

Fri vers (Fri form) av Klara Schelin
Läst 233 gånger
Publicerad 2015-11-16 21:15

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Klara Schelin
Klara Schelin