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Hur beskriver man något som är allting?

to describe her

she was the sudden jerk of the knee as you fall asleep
she was the lid on a jar you just can't get open
she was the first wrinkle on your best friend's face
she was magpies fighting over crumbs on the pavement
she was the drop of sweat on your brow when you know you did something wrong
she was the bloody knuckle after a fight
she was the gaudy pink lipstick on a dead girl
she was the muffled sound of neighbours making love
she was the saliva trickling down your chin when you fall asleep on the bus
she was shoes so worn the sole is coming off
she was the quarter bottle of vodka you stole from your father
she was the sound you make when you yawn
she was cream and two sugars
she was twilight
she was a klaxon
she was the first branch to break off the birch in a storm

but beast as I may be
that branch is safe forever
where my frothing jaws meet

Fri vers av mollymakenna
Läst 301 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2015-05-22 01:21

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