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At the end of time

Head-down watching the clock
Hours were together as a flock
You were born through the fears of me
Words were feelings so clear just to be

It was new growing deep in you
I felt the same but you ran away
I knew I loved you when you stayed afar
You felt the same but it disagrees what you are

I ain’t what you dreamed all night
I don’t need letters of love
You don’t paint stars above
You really gotta watch it light
It’s our feeling, not a crime
Let’s hold it tight at the end of time

When you play slowly your guitar
It does touch my heart wherever you are
But I cannot fix, I can’t speak my mind
Though it is clear you’re always on my mind

You go and come on 5th street
Ignoring I could be at your feet
Now I have to put it in my old bag
Giving up and showing my white flag

Bunden vers av Roberto Quintero
Läst 150 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-05-31 03:53

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Roberto Quintero