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You… you can see me go
Maybe you refuse it to know
You’re sure to have me although…
You… only you
Let take a bow
From people who admire portrait of you
I’m real; don’t see me as a fan now
I still love you, but I won’t somehow

Believe… I just leave
I’m sorry but I can’t be by your side
It ain’t ‘bout our pride
This is feeling… you have denied.

I ain’t number anymore
On your facebook or Instagram
I am real this is what I am
But you break this as it was before

Don’t post on twitter
Saying sorry, it could be better
Doncha know for real?
How you could hurt… how I did feel

Don’t you see it’s not a magazine?
Where I just let you in
One day beauty goes away as the winds blow
And you
Could only know

Fri vers av Roberto Quintero
Läst 127 gånger
Publicerad 2015-05-31 18:38

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Roberto Quintero