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Womb on fire

Pennsylvania could see you grow
Green landscape away
Expectations of carbons could know
You stayed as our yesterday

Centralia was on fire
Columbia made us admire
How ashes painted your dreams on gray
Pale faces saw you going down
Reality could let you down
Centralia’s a womb on fire.

Smoke up, ashes down, cracks around
Centralia was on fire
Rusty irons in one sound
It’s a womb on fire

Hope was lost; it’s what cracks could really tell
Just fear for this land of hell
Ashes ring the iron bell
It takes control of my head
I see fire up and down, it’s dead.

Fri vers av Roberto Quintero
Läst 128 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-05-31 18:39

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Roberto Quintero