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Dear body

We been through a lot and sometimes I have wished that you werent mine

But dear body, I have to say
I love you

You suffered in silence when I didn't let you eat as you needed
You crawled in tears when you had to watch people in your surrounding die
You trembled of fears when the depression dragged you down

Then they electrified your heart and it forgot how to beat
And your arm was in pain
The fingers were hard to move
You felt like knifes were cutting up your chest

The head was spinning for months
They world was a blurry stage and you couldn't enter

You will always remember
the angquiesisty and the hate that you felt
The hate for what you had to go through

You will always remember
The fight
The thought of giving it all up
But you survived
And you made me believe

I have some scares that always will be
And some days am scared of you
But I know you better now
And I learned how to believe
Despises of all
You area alive
And I love you

Fri vers av GSGSGS
Läst 138 gånger
Publicerad 2015-08-29 21:17

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