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At the Aquatic

-"Piss on your face, turd in your nose and my finger up your anus while I spit you in the mouth. You are my bitch I tell you. You will eat my sperm with a fork" said the man in the liquid suite.

The furry woman got into position, she new what she was up for tonight. Their routine had evolved throught the sessions of lust they had for awhile now.

Liquid suite shoots up some of that equilibrium just to excel in his male pride. She can feel it dripping through her latex underwear.

The gimp is already naked and he will be needing no viagra tonight they can tell. But the big question is if he shaved his goat for this little get together of theirs.

He did.

Fri vers av Jörgen Carlberg
Läst 213 gånger
Publicerad 2016-03-04 22:40

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Jörgen Carlberg