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As you´re sleeping

As you´re sleeping your head starts to wander away from the truth.
Your mind flys across the skies and the oceans with freedom.

The spectacular wiew distracts your ability to see how far up in the sky you are.
You feel the warm cuddling clouds on your cheeks and in between you fingers as you fly, high, high.
The blue colors that embrace the beautiful landscape makes your soul surrender with clarity and gratitude because that is just your way.

The pillow clouds touch your face calmly and lovingly and the pleasant touch makes your bones quiver.
The sleeping shadow that you have become has also become the epiphany of what happiness and love is.

Fri vers av Natushi
Läst 170 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-30 23:15

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