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22 november 2021

I dream

When I become thought
I close your eyes
to the thoughtless-I
that sees the thought-I.
I am still,
but I am not seen
by the thought-I
until I open our eyes.

Some say
that we are submerged
into the experience of man
to forget our own being,
and become human,
to overcome residual fears
and corruption that still resides
on the edges of our soul.

Some say
that human life
is part of the soul's growth.
A testing ground where
the material darkness
is our chamber of thought,
provoking separation from unity
and seeing how and if
we are able to rejoin
and rejoice in who we are
amongst shadowy figures
trying to hypnotise us
into believing we are human being,
not the being seeing the human being being.

We enter our dream
to wake up the protagonist
from himself
to his sleeping self
creating his being.

Some say
we plunge into the depths to experience,
and see whether we truly have
what it takes to overcome
forgetfulness of who we are
and all the longing that comes with separation.

If we can reunite with ourself
in these seemingly dire
and dark circumstances
we surely know who we are.

But if we drown
do we truly know
who is drowning?

This physical body,
that we often mistake
for the whole of us,
is within the real me.

The whole scene of our drama
takes place in the theatre
of the mind
that is me.

The physical experience
is an experience
taking place within me.

Everything that we see and hear
takes place within my real being.

The sight that is seen
is not distant
from the one seeing
behind the eyes.
The sound that is heard
is not distant
from the one hearing
behind the ears.

There is no separation,
only forgetfulness.

What we perceive to be our body,
the trees and birds, everything,
takes place within the real me.

It is not a world out there
as I perceive in the material sense.
It is all a world that exist inside of me,
the real me that all beings share.

My bodies are sensory organs
for the real being I am.
This is how I inform myself of myselves.
Yet I am regardless.

When I become thought
I close your eyes
to the thoughtless-I
that sees the thought-I.
I am still,
but I am not seen
by the thought-I
until I open our eyes.

Fri vers av KPJ Sundquist VIP
Läst 79 gånger
Publicerad 2021-11-22 14:22

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KPJ Sundquist VIP