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The Transience of Life

At the coastland
Beside the great and stormy ocean
The old man walks along the shore.
He thinks with great devotion
of ancestors who strolled here long before
digging clams and other things for living
in this nasty, cruel word
so hard and unforgiving,
into which they unwantedly had been hurled.
But now they are forgotten and almost
like marks in sand that a wave erases
when sweeping hard against the coast,
vanished are ancestors\' traces
Like the old man\'s footprints in the sand.

Fri vers av Carl O Andersson
Läst 281 gånger
Publicerad 2006-08-10 10:28

Författaren Carl O Andersson gick bort 2017. Texterna finns kvar på poeter.se som ett minnesmärke på den avlidnes och/eller de anhörigas begäran.

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Carl O Andersson
Carl O Andersson