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If ever

If ever there was a man
who could take my heart only with his eyes
That would be you

If ever there was a man
who could fill my soul only with his words
That would be you

If ever there was a man
who could heal my aching body only with his hands
That would be you

If ever there was a man
who could give me life just by letting me in to his
That would be you

If ever there was a man who could tear my whole word apart only with one action
That would be you

If ever there was a man
I could trust never to let me down
never to cause me pain
I hoped
That could be you

I love you more than words can say

If ever there was a woman
who would give her life for you
That would be me

Fri vers av Oikosulkusi
Läst 50 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-04-14 19:35

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