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Jag hade tråkigt och kände för att göra en ny låt. Det blev denna. Kraftigt inspirerad av Mr. Ripper....


Darkness stirs
So the mist unfolds
On beggars street, night grows ever cold
Fading lights
Keep your window shut
The shadow moves, never to be seen

´Cause the night is his time, your body his reward
For the essence of life, he has come to claim your soul
From the shadows emerged, in cloak - unholy one
The magic is not of your dreams alone

So it begins
The journey is at hand
So hard to speak, he takes your breath away
Blistering cold, just another step
The beauty of the world comes between life and death

Fri vers av Bigwig
Läst 207 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-19 12:00

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