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Skriven i \"jag\" form. Jag syftar dock inte på mig själv. Vem \"jag\" är får vara upp till betraktaren. Själv har jag dock min klara uppfattning...


I am the colours of a haven made for thee
I am whatever you decide
I am the sorrow of the years of wasted youth
I am the spark that lights your flame

And I will keep you warm
And there will be no more grief

I am and will forever be
Your stormy nights and the keeper of the free
I am your sacrament and the reek of greedy lust
I am to make the hardened weep

My candle burns for you, come touch the living flame
I am your dreams of serenity
I am your sweet corrosion and your withered rose
I am the beating of your heart

Fri vers av Bigwig
Läst 227 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-19 12:03

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