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(I haven´t written this one!)

The secrets of the vampire

The clock struck the final witching hour as a silver moon rose high above an illus ional sky. A dim light peeked through the window as I strumble forwards into an everlasting darkness, towards a mysterious room only lit by soft alluring candles that interspersed along each stone wall.......

Very wearily my eyes adjusted to the shadows that wrapped around me like a heavy cloak then suddenley glowing red, snake like eyes approached me but before a scream could leave my drying lips I foolishly realize that it was only a portrait moving in closer I stopped and began staring......

Then within seconds I found myself unable to move breath or scream when the hand oh death caressed my neck and a male voice echoed through me like a never ending madness.

\"Welcome my dear to the secret of the vampire......\"

The man whispered softly in my ear.

Fri vers av dieyoungliveforever
Läst 410 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-29 21:07

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