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I love you

If you were a song I would sing it
If you were a game I would play
If you were a road to walk upon,
I would go your way

A song of you would give comfort
A game of you would give light
A road of you to walk upon,
Would lead my step just right

But you are no song to sing
And you’re no game to play
You are no road to walk upon,
But still you’re there to show my way

Through every day you’re there to sing
Through every day you play
Through every day you hold my hand,
You show me the way

Because of this I love you do
Forever and much more
You are always there
You always care
There’s no-one else like you

Fri vers av MeOfDoom
Läst 453 gånger
Publicerad 2007-05-18 11:08

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